Monday, November 7, 2011


Liz Power is one of those blessings in my life. Her way of quietly serving others, encouraging the best in them and putting others ahead, is such an encouragment in living out my faith in Jesus.

As we go through a difficult time, we need to be ever mindful of seeing the many blessings along the way. The things that are good that can encourage us or allow us to see Jesus at work in our lives.
I've been challenged of late, to also consider the 'blessings' that might not feel good or even look fair. The Beatitudes read 'blessed are those who mourn...' How can we be blessed when we are dealing with something difficult? As I've grappled with this, these are the thoughts that have stuck in my heart...

Godly blessing, no matter whether from a feel good or a feel overwhelmed perspective, allow us the following opportunties...

1. Growing in our faith.
Somehow our faith has the opportunity of growing more during difficult times. Math 5:12, gives us Gods perspective on suffering. Our understanding of blessing, is immediate. We live in a world revolving around immediate gratification. But, Gods perspective regarding our faith, is longterm. Its something that can grow all our life here on earth. he can do that only when we 'give' the difficulty to Him.
Our faith is also what others see. It is not something we can tell people we have... its something they see. So as our faith grows, people should be able to see Jesus in us more and more. I've found that steps of growth in my faith (which still has a long way to go), have emerged through times of great challenge. Times when I've had to relinquish control and trust and lean on Him through my inability to understand. I imagine Jesus smiling as He see's our faith growing.

2. Experiancing God's grace.
I've still so much to learn about the grace of God - what it looks like and what it is. What I have learned these last months tho, that it is only His grace that allows us the strength to endure, face and accept difficulties. He also somehow uses the prayers of His people to expand His grace toward us. There were times these past months when I know the strength or peace that I had, was not of me. He was holding me up and somehow your prayers effected that action.
I also saw His grace in the eye's of my friend as she talked of her sons death. Only when His child leans into His arms in full submission, can His peace that transcends all understanding shine in someones eye's like that (even in the midst of extreme grief). How awesome to have those eye's shine on me.

3. Understanding His love.
Hard times bring us to the end of ourselves. We realise we have little, if any, control. We're often not very lovable, in earthly terms, as we grapple with the things ahead of us. But as we hold onto His promises, we experiance His love in new ways. I have come to understand anew, that He loves me and died for me (and you).... just because He loves us! I can do nothing to earn it or deserve it. He just does , because He does. I've come to see that He doesn't just love us as we need. He loves us with an extravagant love! How He has poured His love on us these past months. Thank you Lord Jesus.

4. Reflecting His image.
The blessing of being His image bearer is a huge responsiblity. But it is also a blessing clothed in grace and meant to be worn in freedom. That He would seek to use us to show Himself to others is such a priveledge that we can bow and accept anything He might want to use to grow us and change us into the people He wants us to be. Even difficult times.
I was challenged about being His image bearer at oncology. We who are His children, have the hope that everyone needs. Would the Lord not want to bring His image bearers into places without hope? An added blessing for me was that as I looked for relationships to be an encouragment in, He allowed me the strength to not be introspective. When I was introspective, there was more opportunity to sink into self pity. Looking outward, gave me His perspective in my life and in the lives of those around me, even in the midst of difficulty.

He loves us enough to not allow us to be comfortable all the time. Its our choice to accept the challenge of allowing Him to bless us even through the hard times.

Pray with me for a someone we know who is dealing with a brain tumor. Pray for this person and the family effected as well with this new challenge.
Pray also for another friend and that family who recently found out that secondary cancer is a new challenge for them to deal with.


  1. Hello Barb,

    Thank you for posting this. Thank you also for all you and Mark shared last night, may Our Lord continue to bless you richly and others through you, as you learn how and share how to consider the blessings, that might not seem or look, fair.

    His ways are not our ways, but they are always the best way.

    It is a privilege to have met you all and to share your journey with you.

    Take Care - Safe Journey to the States - Nita

  2. I love the curly hair!! So great seeing you on Saturday! Thanks for sharing your journey with us and for allowing God to speak to me through your encouraging words! Hope the rest of your time in the States is a good relaxing and refreshing time for you and the family. Hugs my friend, Toni Guthrie
