Monday, August 6, 2012


The joy of this life is relationship.  Sharing life with those we love... the good times, the hard times... the confusing times...  the wow times... encouraging each other to rest in His arms.  Spurring each other to stand on truth, even when we don't feel like it.

Do we make the word 'blessing' mean less than it truly is meant to... when we think it should always feel good?  Or, are blessings all things that cause us to keep our eyes on Jesus or cause us to grow in our understand of Him or our Christ-likeness?  If the word does mean more... then good-feeling and hard-feeling things could truly be blessings...

The Lord has decided to allow us a good-feeling blessing.... with a clear second PETscan, we are so very thankful for His grace in allowing us this extra time.  But, also know that His faithfulness, goodness and grace would be the same if it had been a hard-feeling time of blessing.  

Thank you Lord for your grace in allowing us to breathe easier for a while longer.  You are in control.  You deserve all the praise.  Help us to be good stewards of all you've allowed into our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Whoo hoo and yippee and thank you prescious Farher! Thank you guys for letting us know. Tons of love to you Mark and the kids.
